fountain pen on black lined paper

In Exclusive All New: Strategic Legal Writing Clinic


The Strategic Legal Writing Clinic will be held over eight (8) half days. All training sessions are aimed at helping professionals improve their writing skills in legal English and general legal writing.

Participants will learn how to write in a clear, concise manner and in a strategic fashion when preparing contracts or writing letters, reports, legal arguments, opinions and other documents.

The trainers, led by Sofia Parastatidou, Special Counsel and practising solicitor admitted in England and Wales with decades of experience in training professionals in multicultural companies globally. 

Numerous practical exercises have been built into the programme so that participants ‘learn by doing’. Feedback will be given by the trainer so that each participant has a personalised dossier of best practises. 

The Strategic Legal Writing Clinic is aimed at encouraging input and exchange between the participants to opening discuss difficulties and issues they face when writing to ensure they gain a solid working understanding of the principles of writing strategically, clearly, concisely and accurately.

The Strategic Legal Writing Clinic includes:

  • The basics of strategic writing
  • Rules and best practice when preparing correspondence
  • Using plain English and switching from active to passive language to reach your strategic aim
  • Planning letters and documents
  • Brevity, concision and accuracy
  • Negotiating and recording deals
  • Structuring contracts for ease of understanding
  • Checklists, proofreading and style of documents


The training will enable you to improve both their drafting and their legal writing skills . You will enable them to draft documents more effectively and write more persuasively and strategically.

Our team of speakers, led by Sofia Parastatidou, are all highly qualified lawyers who are also professional trainers of legal English and other legal skills. They all have extensive international teaching experience which is strengthened by their own years in legal practice: The Clinic will help you improve general writing skills and approach to drafting typical commercial letters, e-mails, reports and documents.

Participants will learn how to write strategically:

  • Eliminate unnecessary words and phrases
  • Avoid basic errors in letters and contracts which cause confusion and lead to litigation
  • Understand the importance and characteristics of clear writing
  • Be able to draft well structured, practical, clear and concise documents to achieve your strategic goals
  • Approach drafting with increased confidence
  • Use clear specific words and phrases to communicate effectively with others
  • Network and interact with speakers and attendees to share experiences and learn about opportunities.


  • Legal directors and corporate counsel;
  • Practising lawyers;
  • Lawyers advising international trading companies;
  • Business Development Managers
  • Paralegal staff involved in international law or with international clients
  • SQE2 Candidates


Sofia Parastatidou, Special Counsel and Professional Legal Trainer. Sofia Parastatidou is admitted in England and Wales, is a practising solicitor. She is also the author of Pearson’s Legal English textbook and Secretary of EULETA and has been training lawyers for three decades.

Dates: Wednesdays: 16 November, 23 November, 30 November and 7 December 2022

Times. 14:00-18:00pm CET 

Total hours: 16 hours 

Total cost: €799 


All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance and can claim CPD with their local professional bodies.

For further details including information pack and enrolment send an email to